Coat, corduroy pants, sweater, button down: H&M; Boots: Macys
Things that are ridiculous about this post:
1. Everything I'm wearing, save for the boots, is from H&M. My boyfriend and I stepped out into the blustery day wearing H&M ensembles that'd make any mannequin dresser proud... He was in a plaid button down and a sweater from H&M and I was head to toe in H&M (coat, pants, sweater, button down, undershirt). Ridiculous.
2. There are more pictures of delicious brews than of my outfit because, ahem, my boyfriend had had too many 6-8% Elysian brew samples to take any good, non-blurry, or varied photos of my outfit. You can enjoy the photos of sweating taster glasses full of bright and hoppy IPAs, raspberry apocalypse ales, a brew that can be only described as "horsey" in smell and taste, instead of my cable knit and pearls. (P.S. We stopped at both Elysian's Tangletown brew pub and Fremont Brewing's urban beer garden in Seattle - if you're in the northwest, it's a great area for delicious brews!
3. The only picture of my best friends in this post is one of their behinds! I'm lusting after my friend's gorgeous brown boots (on the left).
Happy Monday!
I love the photo with the two of you, that is so nice :).