This post is going to have little to do with the outfit above featuring a print on print situation, but I'm feeling like writing about something entirely separate, so you'll have to bear with me.
I graduated from college with a major in creative writing, something I don't really talk about on the blog, as college is over. I'm not writing "creatively" outside of the blog and I'm so swamped with work/blog/life that I don't have time to write anymore. But honestly, that makes me feel sad. Writing has been a passion of mine since I was in the second grade and publishing terrible short stories for my parents as gifts. In middle school and high school I wrote prolific and awful emo poetry, but what else can you write at that age? In college, I wrote poetry every day and published them all online. I think my writing started to get smarter during college, my language fleshed out. I was absolutely flooded with inspiration. It's easy to write when you're spending at least half of the hours in a day learning and you're falling in love rapidly, meeting new people, experiencing heartbreak, developing new world-views and personal philosophies, and experiencing independence for the first time.
Once I graduated, I spent the first summer after college writing in little moleskine journals I carried around with me on my adventures in Eugene, Oregon and Denver, Colorado. I started a wine blog and wrote somewhat creatively there. And then I got a job. And after spending 8 hours a day in an office chair writing emails to colleagues and learning the ins and outs of a technical system, it just stopped coming to me. Poetry and creative writing slammed to a big old halt. Every once in a while, looking out the apartment windows a tiny piece of poetry comes to mind and flits by, a butterfly I can't catch. I am determined to set aside some time every single day to get back to that one thing I have always felt very good at.
So today I bought a moleskine, again, and ordered some new ink for my fountain pen and I'm committing to myself that I'm going to write a poem a day. I don't care what comes out onto the page, I don't care if it's good enough, makes sense, uses trite metaphors... I just need to get something down onto the page.
Jacket: Limited; Top: Forever 21; Scarf: Subtle Luxury; Skirt: Express; Shoes: TJ Maxx
P.S. Make sure you enter the $25 J. Crew gift card giveaway from The Adored Life here.
We're also one of the sponsors for a giveaway of $300 worth of manicure supplies here...
AND! giving away ad space with 18 other bloggers here. Happy April, all!
(Linking up with the Tuesday Blog Hop, Style Sessions)