Ben and I need no reasons to celebrate with appetizers, drinks, and gifts on a weekend. I'd say we're more likely to be celebrating something than not, which can get us into trouble on the financial spectrum (macarons are expensive, guys!) but makes for some great fun. So when Datevitation contacted me to see if I wanted to create a coupon book and test out their service, it seemed like a great opportunity to show some Ben some spontaneous coupon love.
I'd seen these adorable custom coupon books, pictured above, from Datevitation on some other blogs around Valentine's day and had admired the adorable doodles and creative date ideas. They looked just like the coupon books I made for many a Father's Day, Mother's Day, and Valentine's Day - little drawings of the promised "back massage" for my parents or the "I'll make dinner" for my Mom. I'm pretty sure I rarely followed through, but it was so much fun to organize a little book and gift it. Things haven't changed because I loved the process this time around as well. Datevitation offers the only customizable coupon book service online, and it's pretty awesome. There are about 350 date ideas to choose from, all text and the covers are custom, and you can add as many pages as you want. I chose to include date ideas like a trip to a brewery, a technology-free day (dreading him cashing that in), and an "I'll cook dinner and clean it up" option (also dreading). To top it off, it prints and ships in a matter of days and comes in a sweetly packaged envelop titled "Surprise!"
I think that this would be an awfully sweet, throwback present for anyone, and with Father's Day coming up encourage you to check it out. What Dad wouldn't want to be reminded of the fantastic coupon books on ruled paper redeemable for "I'll bring you a beer" or "I will let you sleep in" that we made as kids? Order by June 6th and you can get $10 off your order (that's 50% off a basic book) by using the code: LADIESINNAVY. Enter to win a coupon book for your loved ones below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
(P.S. Don't forget to enter the awesome $150 Hazel's Haven giveaway here)