Top: c/o Aeropostale; Skirt: c/o Lulu*s; Shoes: Asos c/o Chippmunk
My brother is in town this weekend and he was kind enough to take these photos today. He's so tall that he is actually the perfect photographer height - always taking photos from above me.
I am so thrilled to have him here and to have an excuse not to clean, catch up on shows, magazines, books, work on blog campaigns and take a billion photos that need to be promptly edited. I need a blog vacation folks - with my decreasing personal time, I am finding myself so strapped for time and stressed. We had a pile of dishes in the sink for almost two days before I had to come to grips with real life. Sometimes you need to set the computer down and realize that commenting on 150+ blogs a day is not the number one priority in life (and neither are dishes, but they need to rank somewhere on the list).
I've been so thrilled to see my blog grow over time. It has become something that I adore doing and has actually been helping with bills and providing some new outfits so that I don't need to shop as much. With increasing readership and increased sponsorship opportunities, though, has come increased stress. There are deadlines for campaigns, people to follow up with and giveaways to arrange, blogs to comment on, and friends to keep in touch with in the blogosphere. Phew. I feel like I have two eight hour jobs and I definitely need to come up with some time management strategies like you folks suggested on my post two days ago. But I need some time to come up with the time management... ack!
I don't know how the huge bloggers do it, but major kudos to everyone that's both working and working on a blog after work. You're all rockstars.