Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Happy Hour: Rooibus Hot Toddy

My great grandmother passed away in 1999 when I was 10, so my memories of her are faint but like photo album pages in my mind. I can still picture her home near the ocean like I was in it yesterday and I can see her sitting in her rocking living room chair. I can picture her in a muumuu at her 50th wedding anniversary listening to Hawaiian music. My Dad was very close to her growing up and always used to tell stories about her, the way she took care of the grandchildren and was eternally sweet. I wasn't able to personally enjoy her home remedies, but they live on, passed down.

One of her cold remedies, even for the grandchildren, was a hot toddy-style cocktail of hot water, lemon, honey, and a dash of whiskey. It's essentially Nyquil, just tastier and better for sipping. The alcohol numbs pain and makes you sleepy, the honey has healing properties and adds a bit of sweetness, and the lemon is just delicious. The American Lung Association actually discourages hot toddies as remedies (killjoys!) as they can cause dehydration due to the alcohol content, but I say pah! I'm allergic to Nyquil so this is my remedy of choice.

The hot toddy below does not need to live in the sick world as it's delicious enough for a cold fall day or night.  Find the recipe below:

You'll need:

1 oz. whiskey (you can use rum too)
Juice from 1/2 a lemon
1 cup of hot water
1 tablespoon honey
Rooibus tea

Coat the inside of a mug in honey, add the juice from 1/2 a lemon and 1 shot of whiskey or rum. Make a cup of rooibus tea on the side and remove tea bag once done steeping. Add the hot tea to your mug, stir and enjoy!
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