Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Moon River + Giveaway!

Coat: old (similar save, similar splurge); Top: rental c/o Le Tote; Pants: Gap (similar); Heels: TJ Maxx; Wristlet: Coach; Hat: gift (similar)

It has certainly been a week. It started off with me losing my sapphire tennis bracelet that Ben gifted to me on my birthday and it's still going downhill. The only highlight was that I did start working out again, if for no other reason than to stop sobbing about my bracelet, and I am excited about how stiff I'm feeling this evening. 

I'm going to leave you with these river photos, this outfit that marks the return of my pea coat (it was 35 degrees this morning and only about 45 this afternoon), and a giveaway from one of my new sponsors, CaliJoules. They have some very fun and affordable jewelry for the upcoming sparkly season and my picks are below. Someone's gotta have some luck this week!

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