Sunday, March 30, 2014


Jacket: c/o Joules; Sweater: c/o Repeat; Jeans: Gap; Boots: c/o Lulu*s; Purse: Rebecca Minkoff; Bracelet: Macy*s

On Saturday, in the middle of a crazy downpour and blowing storm, we decided to head out to the Oregon coast. The coast weather is usually miserable - about 50 degrees and raining with high winds no matter the day, no matter the time, no matter the season. We figured it couldn't get worse, though, and slogged through two hours of rain on our way out to Astoria and lo and behold - we found the sunshine. It was a rare glimmer of sunshine poking through the weather rolling inland and we relished the breezy couple of hours of it. 

Our first stop on the way out to Astoria was at a small brewery in Longview, Washington that was relatively new. Though the beers weren't anything to write home about, we never like to pass up a brewery when it's conveniently five minutes off the road we're traveling on. When we hit Astoria, we spent some quality time wandering around a favorite vintage shop and then sampled beers at Fort George Brewery. For being smack dab in the middle of a touristy coast town, Fort George is fast-growing and their beer is awesome. It was hard to pull away from the quality, but we made another stop at the small Astoria Brewing Company only a block away. Though it was housed inside a bit of a seedy bar crawling with drunk locals playing the video lottery, we did enjoy the beer and the people watching. We skittered out pretty quickly to grab some photos outside, drink a latte, and get on the road to see the beach before heading home.

The Oregon coast beaches strike me as some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. They're expansive. They roll on for miles upon miles of flat, packed sand that you can drive on. The rolling waves are uniform and beautiful in deep grays and deep blues. They too, are endless. The skies are often looming and intense on the coast, whipping wind preventing you from doing anything but running squealing across the wet sand, chatting with the cold. And standing tall against the long beaches are beautiful reedy grass fields covering high dunes. It's magical. 

We were able to enjoy a few seconds on the beach before the rain came pelting in from just off the coast. We ran back to the car to make a warm, safe drive home through the weaving US 26 highway in deep Oregon forests. What a lovely weekend.
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