Top: c/o ModDeals; Skirt: c/o Chicwish; Heels: Michael Kors
Ben took these photos of me on November 2nd, after we'd woken early from the clocks falling back. It was misty and cold out, the leaves all miraculously changing color and then blowing away before they could catch any daytime light. I had the brilliant idea to go for a drive through the fall leaves before they all disappeared and thought the Hoyt Arboretum in Washington Park near the rose garden and the zoo would be the perfect spot to get some quiet space to snap photos. If I haven't already shared this, I've been blogging for two years but I'm still shy when there are people around. I know that no one much cares, especially in Portland, but I can never pose appropriately or get good shots when I'm in a crowd or have onlookers. I prefer my little city park that's usually inhabited only by people sleeping on the benches or determined dog walkers that hardly care.
I think that my grave error was choosing this outfit to wear on a cold, misty day to a park covered in wet leaves and moss and mud. My less-grave, but pretty glaring error was choosing a spot for photos that was packed with passersby getting a jog or a stroll or a post-breakfast fall-foliage adventure in. Every single time we pulled over to get a shot under a tree, it started to mist heavily, or the ground was saturated, or the only spot with great light was in a mud puddle or in the center of the road. So freezing, in heels and this really magical, but really poofy, and non-trail/mud-appropriate skirt, I started to pout. And getting these few photos absolutely ruined our entire fall foliage drive.
In hindsight, the photos weren't that bad, it doesn't look as cold as it was, and I am glad we got these shots of this skirt that I cannot wait to wear again. It was a lesson, though, in learning to bring a change of clothes so that you can actually go out and enjoy the fall leaves instead of focusing on a silly set of silly photos. I hope that all of you are able to enjoy the fall colors in the next few weeks without any kind of heel/skirt disasters!